Memory of Love Acoustic 1-8-18

Memory of Love #1 Instrumental 2011

Memory of Love #2 Arrangement 2015

I drove home after recording my song. As I listened to it in my car, I cried as the floodgates opened. I remember a wonderful song from the 70’s called “Everything I Own” by the group, Bread. The lyrics to that song implied a lover wishing things were the way they used to be. I was very touched when I learned that David Gates actually wrote the song for his father.

The other day, I shared my new song “Memory of Love” with a good friend. When I was finished she looked worried. She said, “Are you and your husband breaking up?”

I hadn’t thought about it the way my friend did. But I like my songs to be relatable so she was right – my song did fit for someone discouraged by the loss of closeness in a relationship. I had actually thought my song might touch someone dealing with a loved one who was terminally ill.

Originally, the chords and melody to “Memory of Love” were for a different song named “A Place I’ve Never Been.” That song from 1980 was unusual because it was the only song of mine with lyrics written by someone else.

The lyrics were written by my best friend in college named Cheryl. I was so touched by a poem she wrote for me that I added music to it. Cheryl died in 2008 from breast cancer and I could not sing those words anymore.

At first, I felt sad to give up the beautiful lyrics that my dear friend had written. But Cheryl lives on in “Memory of Love.” I carry so many memories of our beautiful times so long ago.

I have a story that tells more about the origins of this song. The link to it is below:

This card is one of many that I treasure. My mom wrote it with the realization of her illness progressing. A fews years later, she was unable to write cards.

To our dearest most wonderful daughter Judy,

Things happen in life. I never expected what did happen. I’m your mom and always loved being your mom. Now it’s seemed to change. You became my caretaker. Nothing stopped you from catering to my needs. From early morning until bedtime you are there for me. I’ve gained weight and strength because of you.

Now it is your birthday and I must tell you how much you mean to Dad and I. Please have a wonderful and happy year starting now on your birthday. We love you so dearly. We hope you enjoy your new tennis outfit and racket.

Love, Mom and Dad

These are my actual lyrics in progress.

Mother's Love


Original Song by Judy Unger, Copyright 2010

How can I tell you, I’m sad you’re leaving me?

I miss the way you used to be

I’ve lost you somewhere

I’m lonely and I cannot share

I can’t tell you, so instead I just pretend

it’s easier that way, than to face the end

I’ve tried so hard to accept

as you fade away, I’ve slowly wept

I feel, I sense, there’s so much fear

I try to be brave, as you disappear from here

I cannot see you,

you’ve become transparent

I ache and wonder where you went

I know you can’t hear my cries

with deaf ears and vacant eyes

I pray, I wish, you were aware

but when I feel despair

the memory of love is there

the memory of love is there

© Judy Unger and 2010. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Judy Unger with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

About Judy

I'm an illustrator by profession. At this juncture in my life, I am pursuing my dream of writing and composing music. Every day of my life is precious!
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2 Responses to MEMORY OF LOVE-PART 1

  1. Steve says:

    I absolutely LOVE this new song “The Memory of Love”. At first it didn’t “hit me”, there are some unusual chords in it, but I listened again and each time I liked it more and more. I hope everyone reading this will check this song out. This is another of your songs that I don’t think would sound better with a “professional” singer, you bring such feeling to the words.



  2. tersiaburger says:

    Oh how beautiful! Love it.


I would love to hear your thoughts!