Okay, I'm still an artist! I'm a bit lazy, so the next best thing are Photoshop filters.

I have missed writing for my blog, but there are only so many hours for me in a day. Because I’ve missed doing artwork, I played around with Photoshop filters above! In addition to recording and editing my stories. I’ve been singing my heart out. I share a clip from a recent voice lesson with Peaches Chrenko discussing my songs. Clicking the blue link plays audio:


Since I truly don’t have time to write much, this post will serve as an update and also an opportunity for me to share some new pictures. 


I was given a connection (another divine coincidence – such timing!) to an editor who could help me with my book. We are meeting for lunch next week and I will be giving her all of my audio files and a manuscript to read. This woman knows many people in the industry and could certainly be helpful. I was told she is honest and trustworthy, which is far more important for me than anything else. 

My good friend, Sonia, attended my Border’s performance last Sunday. We had a lovely time.

Judy & Sonia at Border’s

My son took this picture for me. It might be blurry, but it definitely captures my happiness!

This week, a very good friend from out of town whom I haven’t seen in years will be coming to see me play at Border’s. She will be meeting someone she hasn’t seen for 35 years. Another friend of mine recognized her from one of my wedding photos and they knew each other back when they were 17. I’m so excited; I can hardly stand it! 

WIth my audio book, I am growing closer and closer to having something done that I can share. I am thrilled!

I love my newest song recording of So Real and plan to redo all of my prior song arrangements now that I’ve improved so much. 

I can’t share anything about my children, but I can say they have all been adjusting to mommy vacating the “mommy premises.” It’s amazing how much they are now able to do for themselves! 

Today, my parents saw each other for the first time since my father was in the hospital well over two months ago. 

My father has not given up on life.

My parents about fifteen years ago.


Nothing I want to think about! 

I played my guitar and visited with my mom in the garden at her facility last week.


My brother, Norm, took my dad for some tests with his urologist. In addition to his large, kidney stones, his prostate is extremely enlarged. 

My father says he does not want to live out his life with a catheter. He wants to have surgery. The urologist explained that it would be risky (blood loss again) and my father needed to get much stronger. I think he’s motivated and I see him trying a little harder to sit up more. There are a few possible procedures that could avoid surgery and shrink his prostate, but the urologist is not that optimistic. My dad will be having a procedure (something like “microwaving”) in the next few weeks. 

My father has refused to speak with my mother for the last three weeks. He says he “can’t handle it.” I told him he absolutely needs to speak with my mom occasionally. Like lecturing a child, I told him he needs to make time to call her. My mother’s dementia has gotten worse and she imagined he was dying; she was hysterical and inconsolable one day. I received two, concerning calls yesterday. The first one informed me that my mom slid out of her wheelchair onto the floor at lunch time. She was fortunately not hurt. The second one was from Miriam, who told me my mom threw her hearing aides ($4,000) into the trash can – luckily a nurse noticed they were missing and found them. 

I brought my guitar and played for my mom and Miriam on Thursday morning – it was a beautiful day. 

Yesterday, I was elated to hear my dad finally called my mom. He also told my brother that he wanted to join us at our weekly lunch – that means we go to IHop (my father’s favorite place). So today, my parents will once again be reunited! It’s been over two months since my father fell ill and they’ve seen each other. I plan to take pictures. 

Love, Judy 

My mother was happy today, even though my dad ignored her.


I’ll let pictures tell my story. 

My dad refused to acknowledge my mom or say anything to her. He was quite morose, but it was huge for him to have left his facility. He wouldn’t smile and didn’t want me to take any pictures of him with my mom. I did anyway. I think he enjoyed himself, even though he didn’t show it. 

He told me today to give notice about discontinuing his independent room in a cluster home. He said he cannot be alone or go back there. At some point, I might see if my mom can move over to his facility – but I plan to wait awhile since she’s stable right now where she is. 

Glad I could share! 

Love, Judy

Only a week ago, my dad spoke his memories into a tape recorder for me. The highlight was his telling me how he became engaged to my mother. He said, “I knew she was the one for me the moment I met her!”

A am so, so blessed to have such a wonderful caregiver – Miriam!

A picture of me with my older brother, Norm. The sign behind me says, “One Way.” That’s interesting for me!

Judy and Shirley in the sunshine.

© Judy Unger and 2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Judy Unger with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

About Judy

I'm an illustrator by profession. At this juncture in my life, I am pursuing my dream of writing and composing music. Every day of my life is precious!
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  1. Karyn @ kloppenmum says:

    Good to hear more positives than negatives. Yay about the book!


I would love to hear your thoughts!